Trying to Conceive

The easiest fertility check up: ask your mom!

Do you know at what age your mom reached menopause? Your aunt or grandmother? It's not something most women talk about. But this is the easiest, least expensive and least invasive fertility check up you can give yourself. Doesn't cost a dime or a drop of blood or even require two minutes spent in those dreaded stirrups.

The average woman reaches menopause (stops getting her period) in her early 50s. Anywhere between 45 and 55 years old is considered "normal".

But a woman's fertility drops dramatically during peri-menopause, which generally starts about 8 years before. So it is important to know if you may have a genetic tendency to reach menopause a bit younger than average.

What else can cause a woman to reach menopause early or lose her ovarian reserve younger than you would expect? Some causes can be reversed - such as smoking while taking the pill or being very overweight or very underweight. Some causes cannot be undone- such as having surgery to remove your ovaries, receiving certain cancer treatments, or as mentioned above, your genetics!

So this mother's day, ask your mom or aunt or grandmother how old she was at menopause. It is one of the most important questions we ask in our Egg-Q Fertility Check Up. And it is a key point you should bring up to your Ob-Gyn if your mom's answer is younger than 50 and you are planning on waiting and having your children a little later in life.

Doctors TV Asks: Should Women Freeze Their Eggs in Their 30s?

Our incredible partners at Conceptions Florida were featured on an episode of The Doctors TV yesterday. (Yes, the one hosted by the Bachelor Travis Stork). They interviewed Amanda Bradford, the 32 year old founder of a dating app, as she decided whether or not to freeze her eggs. Ultimately she decided to freeze them and they followed her throughout the process.

So what did we learn? Well, I for one am excited that women are just talking about their options openly. I will say it again, the worst is when we hear, "I wish I'd known." So this helps educate women on their choices.

We also saw that despite her initial indecision about whether to freeze or not, she was ecstatic after.  She said she "felt 25 again" and free from the pressure to find "Mr. Right" (does he exist?!) before her biological clock went haywire.

We also learned from Dr. Hernandez-Rey that freezing younger eggs is much better, saw the actual tools and needles used (yep), and realized that just because you have frozen eggs doesn't mean you HAVE to use them. You can still try the "old fashioned way" if you do meet the right person.

Click here to watch!